This function implements the full BACKWASH method. This method is very similar to the mouthwash method with one very key difference: rather than estimate the confounders by maximum likelihood, backwash goes more Bayesian and places a g-like prior on the confounders. We fit the model by variational approximations.

  k = NULL,
  cov_of_interest = ncol(X),
  include_intercept = TRUE,
  limmashrink = TRUE,
  fa_func = pca_naive,
  fa_args = list(),
  lambda_type = c("zero_conc", "uniform"),
  pi_init_type = c("zero_conc", "uniform", "random"),
  grid_seq = NULL,
  lambda_seq = NULL,
  lambda0 = 10,
  scale_var = TRUE,
  sprop = 0,
  var_inflate_pen = 0,
  verbose = TRUE



A matrix of numerics. These are the response variables where each column has its own variance. In a gene expression study, the rows are the individuals and the columns are the genes.


A matrix of numerics. The observed covariates.


A non-negative integer.The number of unobserved confounders. If not specified and the R package sva is installed, then this function will estimate the number of hidden confounders using the methods of Buja and Eyuboglu (1992).


A positive integer. The column number of the covariate in X whose coefficients you are interested in. The rest are considered nuisance parameters and are regressed out by OLS.


A logical. If TRUE, then it will check X to see if it has an intercept term. If not, then it will add an intercept term. If FALSE, then X will be unchanged.


A logical. Should we apply hierarchical shrinkage to the variances (TRUE) or not (FALSE)? If degrees_freedom = NULL and limmashrink = TRUE and likelihood = "t", then we'll also use the limma returned degrees of freedom.


A factor analysis function. The function must have as inputs a numeric matrix Y and a rank (numeric scalar) r. It must output numeric matrices alpha and Z and a numeric vector sig_diag. alpha is the estimate of the coefficients of the unobserved confounders, so it must be an r by ncol(Y) matrix. Z must be an r by nrow(Y) matrix. sig_diag is the estimate of the column-wise variances so it must be of length ncol(Y). The default is the function pca_naive that just uses the first r singular vectors as the estimate of alpha. The estimated variances are just the column-wise mean square.


A list. Additional arguments you want to pass to fa_func.


A character. Should we apply a penalty on zero ("zero_conc") or no penalty ("uniform"). Not used if lambda_seq is not NULL.


How should we initialize the mixing proportions? By concentrating on zero ("zero_conc"), by equal weights on all mixing distributions ("uniform"), or by sampling uniformly on the simplex ("random")?


The grid for the mixing distribution. If mixing_dist = "uniform" or "+uniform", then these should be the non-zero limits of the uniform distributions. If mixing_dist = "sym_uniform", then these should be the right limits of the uniform distributions. If mixing_dist = "normal", then these should be the variances of the mixing normal distributions.


A numeric vector with elements all greater than or equal to 1. These are the tuning parameters for the mixing proportions. This can only be specified if grid_seq is also specified.


A numeric greater than or equal to 1. The penalty on zero if lambda_type = "zero_conc".


A logical. Should we estimate a variance inflation parameter (TRUE) or not (FALSE)?


If \(b\) is an effect and \(s\) is an estimated standard error, then we model \(b/s^{sprop}\) as exchangeable. The default is 0. When sprop = 1, for identifiability reasons it must be the case that scale_var = FALSE.


The penalty to apply on the variance inflation parameter. Defaults to 0, but should be something non-zero when alpha = 1 and scale_var = TRUE.


If verbose = TRUE, print progress of the algorithm to the console.


backwash returns a list with some or all of the following elements:

result: A data frame with the following columns:

  • betahat: The ordinary least squares (OLS) coefficients for the variable of interest.

  • sebetahat: The standard errors of the OLS regression coefficients (with or without limma-shrinkage depending on the argument of limmashrink).

  • NegativeProb: The posterior probability of an effect being less than zero.

  • PositiveProb: The posterior probability of an effect being greater than zero.

  • lfsr: The local false sign rate for the effects. See Stephens (2016).

  • svalue: The estimated average error rate in sign detection.

  • lfdr: The local false discovery rates.

  • qvalue: The estimated average error rate in signal detection.

  • PosteriorMean: The posterior means of the effects.

  • PosteriorSD: The posterior standard deviations of the effects.

elbo: The value of the evidence lower bound at the final parameter values.

xi: The estimated variance scaling parameter.

phi: The estimated "g" parameter in the g-prior on the confounders.

z2hat: A function of the confounders. Mostly used for debugging.

pi0: The estimated proportion of null effects.

Zhat: The estimate of the confounders.

alphahat: The estimate of the coefficients of the confounders.

sig_diag: The estimate of the variances.

fitted_g: A list with the following elements:

  • pivec: The estimated prior mixing proportions.

  • tau2_seq: The prior mixing variances.

  • means: A matrix of the variational mixing means. The columns index the observations and the rows index the mixing distributions.

  • variances: A matrix of the variational mixing variances. The columns index the observations and the rows index the mixing distributions.

  • proportions: A matrix of the variational mixing proportions. The columns index the observations and the rows index the mixing distributions.


The assumed model is $$Y = X\beta + Z\alpha + E.$$ \(Y\) is a \(n\) by p matrix of response variables. For example, each row might be an array of log-transformed gene-expression data. \(X\) is a \(n\) by \(q\) matrix of observed covariates. It is assumed that all but one column of which contains nuisance parameters. For example, the first column might be a vector of ones to include an intercept. \(\beta\) is a \(q\) by \(p\) matrix of corresponding coefficients. \(Z\) is a \(n\) by \(k\) matrix of confounder variables. \(\alpha\) is the corresponding \(k\) by \(p\) matrix of coefficients for the unobserved confounders. \(E\) is a \(n\) by \(p\) matrix of error terms. \(E\) is assumed to be matrix normal with identity row covariance and diagonal column covariance \(\Sigma\). That is, the columns are heteroscedastic while the rows are homoscedastic independent.

This function will first rotate \(Y\) and \(X\) using the QR decomposition. This separates the model into three parts. The first part contains nuisance parameters, the second part contains the coefficients of interest, and the third part contains the confounders. backwash applies a user-provided factor analysis to the third part to estimate the confounding factors, then places a g-like prior on the confounders corresponding to the second equation. It then jointly estimates the coefficients of interest and the posterior of the confounders using a VEM (Variational Expectation Maximization) algorithm, placing a g-prior on the hidden confounders.

There are a couple forms of factor analysis available in this package. The default is PCA with the column-wise residual mean-squares as the estimates of the column-wise variances.

For instructions and examples on how to specify your own factor analysis, run the following code in R: utils::vignette("customFA", package = "vicar"). If it doesn't work, then you probably haven't built the vignettes. To do so, see


  • Gerard, D., and Stephens, M. 2020. "Empirical Bayes shrinkage and false discovery rate estimation, allowing for unwanted variation", Biostatistics, 21(1), 15-32 doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxy029

  • Stephens, Matthew. 2016. "False discovery rates: a new deal." Biostatistics 18 (2): 275–94. doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxw041

See also

mouthwash For a similar method that maximizes over the hidden confounders rather than puts a prior on them.


David Gerard


library(vicar) ## Generate data ---------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(116) n <- 13 p <- 101 k <- 2 q <- 3 is_null <- rep(FALSE, length = p) is_null[1:57] <- TRUE X <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n * q), nrow = n) B <- matrix(stats::rnorm(q * p), nrow = q) B[2, is_null] <- 0 Z <- X %*% matrix(stats::rnorm(q * k), nrow = q) + matrix(rnorm(n * k), nrow = n) A <- matrix(stats::rnorm(k * p), nrow = k) E <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n * p, sd = 1 / 2), nrow = n) Y <- X %*% B + Z %*% A + E ## Fit BACKWASH ----------------------------------------------------------- bout <- backwash(Y = Y, X = X, k = k, include_intercept = FALSE, cov_of_interest = 2)
#> - Computing independent basis using QR decomposition. #> - Computation took 0.105 seconds. #> - Running additional preprocessing steps. #> - Computation took 0 seconds. #> - Running second step of backwash: #> + Initializing parameters for EM algorithm. #> + Computation took 0.64 seconds. #> + Running one round of parameter updates. #> + Computation took 0.002 seconds. #> + Estimating model parameters using EM. #> + Computation took 0.53 seconds. #> + Generating posterior statistics. #> + Computation took 0.001 seconds. #> - Second step took 1.54 seconds. #> - Generating final backwash outputs. #> - Computation took 0 seconds.
bout$pi0 ## Estimate
#> [1] 0.5962884
mean(is_null) ## Truth
#> [1] 0.5643564
## Fit MOUTHWASH ---------------------------------------------------------- mout <- mouthwash(Y = Y, X = X, k = k, include_intercept = FALSE, cov_of_interest = 2)
#> Running mouthwash on 13 x 3 matrix X and 13 x 101 matrix Y. #> - Computing independent basis using QR decomposition. #> - Computation took 0.001 seconds. #> - Running additional preprocessing steps. #> - Computation took 0 seconds. #> - Running second step of mouthwash: #> + Estimating model parameters using EM. #> + Computation took 0.425 seconds. #> + Generating adaptive shrinkage (ash) output. #> + Computation took 0.01 seconds. #> - Second step took 0.655 seconds. #> - Estimating additional hidden confounders. #> - Computation took 0 seconds.
mout$pi0 ## Estimate
#> [1] 0.593371
mean(is_null) ## Truth
#> [1] 0.5643564
## Very Similar LFDR's ---------------------------------------------------- graphics::plot(mout$result$lfdr, bout$result$lfdr, col = is_null + 3, xlab = "MOUTHWASH", ylab = "BACKWASH", main = "LFDR's")
graphics::abline(0, 1, lty = 2)
graphics::legend("bottomright", legend = c("Null", "Non-null"), col = c(4, 3), pch = 1)
## Exact Same ROC Curves -------------------------------------------------- morder_lfdr <- order(mout$result$lfdr) mfpr <- cumsum(is_null[morder_lfdr]) / sum(is_null) mtpr <- cumsum(!is_null[morder_lfdr]) / sum(!is_null) border_lfdr <- order(bout$result$lfdr) bfpr <- cumsum(is_null[border_lfdr]) / sum(is_null) btpr <- cumsum(!is_null[border_lfdr]) / sum(!is_null) graphics::plot(bfpr, btpr, type = "l", xlab = "False Positive Rate", ylab = "True Positive Rate", main = "ROC Curve", col = 3, lty = 2)
graphics::lines(mfpr, mtpr, col = 4, lty = 1)
graphics::abline(0, 1, lty = 2, col = 1)
graphics::legend("bottomright", legend = c("MOUTHWASH", "BACKWASH"), col = c(4, 3), lty = c(1, 2))
## But slightly different ordering ---------------------------------------- graphics::plot(morder_lfdr, border_lfdr, col = is_null + 3, xlab = "MOUTHWASH", ylab = "BACKWASH", main = "Order")
graphics::legend("bottomright", legend = c("Null", "Non-null"), col = c(4, 3), pch = 1)