County Demographic Information (CDI)

You can read about the CDI dataset here, and download it from here:

Complete this lab by writing solutions in an R markdown document, knitting to word or PDF.

  1. Load the CDI dataset into R, saving the data frame in a variable called cdi.

  2. Use a function that provides a rough glimpse at these data.

  3. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the population of the counties.

  4. Convert the pop variable to be in units of 100,000 individuals (so 1 corresponds to 100,000, 2 corresponds to 200,000, etc).

  5. Use an appropriate plot to explore the association between population and number of physicians.

  6. Use an appropriate plot to explore the association between region and population.

  7. Use an appropriate plot to explore the association between population and number of physicians in each region.

  8. Create four datasets, one for each region.

  9. Reproduce the following using markdown:

    1. It was the best of times,
    2. it was the worst of times,